Monday, September 22, 2008

The Porn Bomb Has Dropped!


Okay. I want to talk about a project near and dear to my penis called PG Porn. As promised my big-ass, motherfuckin’ epic blog that I’ve been itching to tell you folks about. My digital adventures with Sir James Gunn and PG Porn. I suppose it’s no longer a secret that James’s new project is a little some-some called PG Porn. It will premiere on October 8th.

James first emailed me back in March, I believe, and said “I want you to animate some logos and title cards for me”. I didn’t really know how to do that other than in Flash. So, I had to turn him down. He came back a few weeks later and said I can do the logos and someone else can do the animation. Cool. Went to work right away. The logos in question were for his production company, Good Boys Productions and a new totally top secret project called PG Porn. Man, did I do a lot of logos. Some I loved a lot more than the one he finally chose, but he’s the boss. The gallery of logos is posted below. Some of the designs were incomplete and samples of what I wanted to do, but didn’t want to waste too much time working on them until I got the bossman’s approval. I think in the end it’s probably best to do them all completely and have them look at them later. There was one concept which are two Lego figures having some sex which is based on a dingbat I found on It wasn’t meant as a full design, but a concept that I was testing out to see how far I was allowed to go. It turned out James and the boys really dug it, but had issues with a possible copyright infringement, so I went ahead and designed it into something you’ll see much later in the design process where I created these toy robots on a box of condoms called Flexoids. But then that was too much for James and I had to censor it.

While I was sitting around and waiting for him to approve some art, I acquired some editing programs and played around with this skit he’d sent me called Nailing Your Wife with Nathan Fillion and Aria Giovanni. I re-edited some of it to help me understand how to work the editing programs. I’d send them off to James and we’d have a giggle about it. After October 8th, I believe I’ll be allowed to post what I call Nailing Your Wife (The Philty Phil Cut).

Shortly after that, I was editing some of James’s movies and putting them to music.

The Creator (LolliLove)

Let it Run (SLiTHER)

Titty Twister

After all those experiments I went ahead and did this title sequence demo using Michelle Dawson’s (aka Poly Girl) animation. The widget below contains my crappy animation of the title, but Michelle’s was so much more dynamic. James said he used the title sequence as a pitch or some sort of demo for talks with

Just recently, James sent me some pix of PG Porn and I threw a quickie Flash promo together so you folks can pimp this shit out on every MySpace comments. Tell your friends and enemies. PG Porn is coming soon… all up in your face! Post it everywhere!

T-shirts and Merchandise

I was also asked to design some merchandise. There’s also lots and lots of PG Porn T-shirts and other merchat the JGAS store. So, get your shit! There are not only just PG Porn stuff but also other James Gunn-related stuff.


If you’ve survived the PG Porn portion of this blog, here’s some stuff you might find boring. Between my PG Porn and life itself, I’d finished a 125-page screenplay called Jetwash—a sci-fi flick that’s been in the works for a long time. While the script is finished and it’s still being refined I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. My agent has it now and will see how that goes. I don’t have high hopes for it. It’s pretty hard to sell a big-budget sci-fi script for a first-time writer. But who knows. It was something I wanted to write.

Still not sure what my next writing expedition will be. I keep going back and forth between my trapped-in-an-apartment crime story and my big budget fighter pilot story and my sci-fi dragon story. It’s tough to choose. I suppose it would behoove me to write a small movie seeing that they’re easier to sell for unknown writers. But some stories are just too hard to resist.

Want a Small Part-time Job?

Also, my manager is in dire need of readers and coverage writers. The readers he has now are not really the best, but for those wanting or interested in a position somewhere in the movie industry, their ya go. Keep in mind, it doesn’t pay much (if at all), but talk to Tim and see what he can do for ya. But really, you’re helping him out because he needs quality readers. Check out the Mandy link below for more info.

Or you can also contact Tim Lambert at


Been catching up on some long lost Heavy Metal Magazine issues. Hard to say how much I loved Heavy Metal because I had such a love-hate relationship with his mag. While I enjoyed many of the stories, many more were also very censored (regardless of lots of nudity) which went against the supposed mission statement of bringing you some real down and dirty sci-fi/fantasy stories. Anyway, this dude here is sharing his collection.

Heavy Metal Collection

If you find any of my antics interesting or entertaining, you will always find me at It’s the first place I go in the morning and the last thing I check at night. If you want to ask James Gunn himself a bunch of questions or just want to flash your genitals, that’s the place to be. He’s there everyday and loves to watch his fans masturbate on his chin. So, Be there or be dead!

Last Minute James Gunn Projects

Don’t forget that James’s reality show, Scream Queens, will premiere sometime in October. And his Xbox Live show will also be premiering in October along with PG Porn. So, be on the lookout. James owns the month of October like no one else. Check his MySpace page for dates and times.

James Gunn's Calendar.

Later days, better lays.

The Ablazin’ Devil Head has spoken.
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