Wednesday, December 09, 2009

James Gunn and his Browncoat Mountain [Deluxe Edition]

In my ongoing pursuit of transferring my MySpace shit, I've run across some fucking doozies. Here are a couple that I've consolidated into one considering the subject matter. Some of the comments left by people were blurred or left out entirely because I don't really have the necessary permissions. However, you can go visit the original blogs for comments if you really want.

Also, I couldn't resize the comments without making them too small.  Just click on the images and you'll get to read them in all their illustrious glory.  One of my favorites is when Jenna Fischer chimed in.

James Gunn and His Browncoat Mountain
Originally posted on The Ablazin' Devil Head's Jizzeriffic Blog on Friday, September 22, 2006. [original link]

I tried to embed this in Sir James Gunn's blog, but the fucker banned me from embeddin' shit. So, this is my response.

James Gunn Finally Spoke to Me!
Originally posted on Tuesday, August 15, 2006. [original link]

It all started a few weeks ago when I stumbled on to LolliLove written and directed by James Gunn's wife, Jenna Fischer, on MySpace. Then I saw that her friend was James Gunn (aka Grant Grant). Then I asked him to be my friend and he added me and in a weird twisted thing, he posted a bulletin about Dumb Shit in Great Movies and I got re-routed to my own blog which had a review of The Specials. I'm like, "Fuckin' MySpace! How'd I get here?" Then it occurred to me that he fuckin' posted a bulletin and all of the sudden my MySpace traffic has been busy as shit. This is his bulletin that I immortalized.

But the problem was that he never spoke to me regardless of me frequenting his blog along with other nerdy regulars (who don't know as much about James Gunn as me). He responded AROUND my posts and stuff, but never to me directly. Don't know why, I'm pretty fuckin' likable and shit. But this weekend, I fuckin' charmed his ass so good and hard that he couldn't take it much longer and finally responded to me directly.

Yes, it's true. James Gunn FINALLY acknowledged my existence. Who wants to touch all over my naughty places now?

Then of course there are these shout-outs on his MySpace blog and CHUD.  Yes, he actually mentions me on CHUD. Exclusive Interview: James Gunn (SLiTHER DVD).

What I dig best about this mention is how I allegedly murdered Gregg Henry and how Michael Rooker didn't get in on the sex.


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